Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Five things you may not know about me...

OK so I'm really late posting this month's installment! The job hunt is very time consuming right now!

So here we go!

1-When I'm sick, like I am now, I crave good chocolate.
2-I'm so excited about Christmas I can't hardly wait to decorate up the house. I've spent the day deciding what decorations would go where.
3-I'm watching a movie I have not seen in a million years, Heavy Metal. Cheesy movies are my weakness! God bless Starz!
4-I'm getting so cabin feverish that I actually baked homemade dog biscuits today! Yeah might be time for a new job!
5-I have this grey wool sweater that my husband bought me that is so soft and cuddly that it always makes me feel warm and cozy. Like getting a Chuck hug whenever I wear it.


At 5:27:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're back! i'm so glad :) i too crave chocolate in moments of weakness but that's everyday so i guess maybe it doesn't count...


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