Five things you may not know about me...
The December edition...See I told you I would get better at keeping up!
1-our team won the bar crusade this weekend! Photos to follow I'm sure!
2-I refuse to watch the live action version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", it's wrong on two fronts, fist Jim Carey often annoys me rather then entertains me, and secondly I don't think anyone should try to mess with perfection, and the original is perfection!
3-Speaking of Christmas movies God Bless the ABC Family channel for their 25 days of Christmas! I love all of the classics and make it a point to load up on as many of them as possible! Thank goodness Chuck loves them too!
4-My Christmas decorations are mostly Holly items, Our last name is Holley after all but I love decorating up the house in boughs of holly!
5-I just got my first pair of snow pants since I was a kid! This year when we go for Skiji Chuck is going to show me how to ski. I even got some goggles! It's exciting since I usually just hang back at the cottage and drink by the fire until everyone else gets back.
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