Why I have been MIA lately...
First off, I was working out of town so much with my last job that I was hardly ever home so home time was spent catching up with the hubby and the four legged kids. Now that I'm not with that company and will be starting with a new company soon that is local only work so no more traveling! So that's good for Me the hubby and the pups.
Secondly, Miss Sally our sweetie pie red dog was a very sick pup. She went through a lot of vet issues and is finally 100% all better. Yep about 6 months and over $5,000 in vet bills later and she's tip top shape.
Thirdly, Carrie had the twins and they have had a few issues and since I was unemployed I was able to head up to Boone and help her out.
Forthly and lastly, I have been really getting into my sewing. I love making things for my neices and nefews. I'm also sewing lots of clothes for myself and have taken on some sewing and embrodery projects to help fund my sewing projects. I'm also making a point to plow throught these WIPs so I can clear out some of these projects that are half done and use up my stash so I can make room for more!!!!
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